Find answers to frequently asked questions about Musicca. Click on a question below to see the answer. If you can’t find the answer to your question here, you're very welcome to contact us.
1. General
- What is Musicca?
Musicca is one of the most popular music learning platforms in the world, with several million monthly users. Our mission is to give people around the world the opportunity to learn music theory. For free, forever.
We focus on theoretical skills that are essential for reading, writing and playing music. This focus ensures that you can easily adapt your theoretical knowledge to practical use in the field of music.
- How do I learn with Musicca?
Create a free account to get started. An account is necessary to save your learning progress in the exercises. If you're a beginner, a good place to start is the exercises in notes and rhythms. Go through the exercises from top to bottom. Even if you don't play the piano, the piano exercises are beneficial, because the piano will help you visualize the notes. Musicca has lots of other content, and you can start anywhere that sparks your interest.
- Is Musicca really free?
Yes. All content on Musicca is available free of charge.
Create a free account to gain access to all content.
- How do I remove ads?
Create a free account to remove ads. Ads are removed for logged in users. The ads on our website help ensure we can keep the website free for all users.
- How do I change the language?
If you are logged in, go to your
settings to change the language. If you are not logged in, click the flag icon at the top to change the language.
- Can I use the virtual instruments in my own music?
Yes. You are allowed to use the virtual instruments and tools in your own music productions. There is no need for payment or to credit Musicca.
- Can I copy content from Musicca?
No. All content on the website including text, images, graphics, software, and audio, are owned by us or licensed to us. Feel free to link to any part of the website.
- Is there an app available?
No. Unfortunately we don't have an app at this time. The website is available on mobile devices with an internet connection.
2. Account
- How do I create an account?
Go to the
create account page to create your account. You can register with your email address or your existing Google or Facebook account.
- How do I reset my password?
Go to the
reset password page to reset your password. If you registered using your Google or Facebook account, you'll need to go to Google or Facebook to reset your password.
- Why didn't I receive an email to reset my password?
Check your spam folder to see if the email has gone there. The email can take several minutes to arrive. If you use your school email address, please contact your school and ensure they are not blocking emails from the domain. If you need help resetting your password you can
contact us.
- How do I change my email address?
Login and go to your
settings to change your email address. If you registered using your Google or Facebook account, you'll need to go to Google or Facebook to change your email address.
- Is my information safe?
Yes. We collect a minimum amount of personal information, and we do not publicly disclose your personal information. If you share your exercise progress with other users, your name and progress will be visible to those users only. For more information, please read our
privacy policy.
- How do I delete my account?
Login and go to your
settings to delete your account. Click the link 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the page and follow the instructions. Please note, data cannot be restored once it has been deleted.
3. Exercises
- What is a streak?
A streak is the number of weeks in a row you have completed at least five exercises. A week runs from Monday to Sunday. Once you complete five exercises, your streak will increase by 1. The streak is represented by a flame icon. If you have not yet completed five exercises in a week, the icon will be greyed out.
- How do I earn medals, stars, and points?
You earn a medal for every exercise you complete. If you answer all questions correctly, you'll also earn a star. You can only earn one medal and one star for each exercise and you cannot lose the medals and stars you've earned. You earn points for every exercise you complete.
- Which shortcuts are available?
You can use the following shortcuts: enter (send answer, continue to the next exercise), space (play sound, stop sound), s (sharp accidental), f (flat accidental), and e (eraser). In multiple choice exercises, you can use the keyboard key that corresponds to the first letter of the answer you want to select. To use this shortcut, answer buttons must not have the same first letter.
- How do I share my progress with others?
Login and go to your
share progress page to share your progress. Enter the email address of the user you want to share your progress with, and they'll receive instant access. You can revoke this access at any time.
- How do I view another user's progress?
To view another user's progress they must enter your email address on their
share progress page. Once they have entered your email address, you'll receive instant access. You can view their progress on your
friends page.
- How do I reset my progress?
You can always repeat any of the exercises. To reset your progress completely, you must delete your account and create a new one.
4. For educators
- How do I create an account?
Go to the
create account page to create an account. You can register with your email address or your existing Google or Facebook account. Accounts are created instantly upon registration.
- How do students create an account?
Students can create an account by going to the
create account page. They can register with their email address or their existing Google or Facebook account. Teachers and students have the same account type.
- How do you obtain parental consent?
If a child creates an account, we require consent from a parent or legal guardian to create the account. Teachers may give consent on behalf of the parent or guardian if their school has such an arrangement.
We obtain consent by sending an email with a confirmation link to the parent or guardian. If we do not receive consent within 7 days, the child's account is automatically deleted. For more information, see our
privacy policy.
- How do students share their progress with me?
Students can share their progress by going to their
share progress page and entering your email address. You'll receive instant access to their progress. You will not receive a notification when students share their progress with you.
- How do I view students' progress?
To view students' progress, they must enter your email address on their
share progress page. Once they have entered your email address, you’ll receive instant access. You can view their progress on your
friends page.
- How do I organize students in classes?
Go to your
friends page to organize students into separate classes. Select the students you want to organize and use the drop-down menu at the bottom of the page to create a group for the students. If you remove all students from a group, the group name will automatically be deleted.
5. Problems
- Why is the sound not working?
There are several possible reasons why your sound is not working. First, try refreshing the page. Make sure your speakers are on and the volume is turned up. If you're using a mobile device, make sure it is not in silent mode. Make sure you're using the latest version of your browser. Try opening the page using a different browser.
- Why is audio auto-play not working?
Sometimes your browser settings block audio auto-play. In this case, the first question in an exercise may not play automatically. Change your browser settings to enable audio auto-play for Musicca.
- Why is Musicca not working?
There are several possible reasons why Musicca is not working. First, try refreshing the page. Make sure you're using the latest version of your browser. Try opening the page using a different browser.
- How do I report a bug?
To report a bug, please
contact us. Provide a detailed explanation, the exact page in question, and the name of your browser, to help us troubleshoot the issue.